I hear you and agree. I don’t think the writer is trying to be a braggart or insensitive. However, I had the same visceral reaction--especially with the line “if I can do it, anyone can!” Insensitive and infuriating. Some of us actually have writing talent & a unique voice, and every once in awhile, break through that rarified $100 air. We don’t understand how you make that much, either, writer. But if you’re going to announce $10k as your “lowest,” perhaps you should pull back the curtain on how, specifically, you got there on the first place. Quit the generalized “find your niche!” & “publish often!” garbage & discuss how, specifically, you think you got there & the struggles that led to it. I have, at times, enjoyed some of this writer’s perspective on life, but this article made the bile rise in my throat.